Friday, September 09, 2011

GAME: Paolo Pedercini - [2009] Every Day The Same Dream [Short 2D Flash Art Game]

Every Day The Same Dream
Every Day The Same Dream was developed by Paolo Perdercini under his concept game company, Molleindustria (meaning "soft industry"). Perdercini created the piece in just six days as an entry into Experimental Gameplay Project's 2009 "art game" themed game competition and has since been released under a Creative Commons license.

The short game is about, as the designer states, an "existential riff on the theme of alienation and refusal of labor". Utilizing a drab color palette, angular artwork, an amazing 2 track score (by Jesse Stiles), the player is forced to either confront the bleakness of grim 9 to 5 white-collar employment or to choose an alternative path, each of which comes at a price.

Paolo Pedercini

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