Sunday, September 18, 2011

FILM: Masaaki Yuasa - [2004] Mind Game [2D/3D Animated Film]

Mind Game (マインド・ゲーム), originally conceived as a Japanese comic by Robin Nishi, was adapted into a feature length film by director Masaaki Yuasa. Funded and animated by Studio 4°C, the film was initially a flop in Japan, but has since found success abroad, winning numerous animation awards worldwide, earning praise from renown animation directors Bill Plympton and Satoshi Kon, as well as gaining a cult following.

The film, based on Robin Nishi's semi-autobiographical cult comic "Mind Game", follows Nishi himself on a journey of self-discovery through the life experiences that directly inspired the comic. Nishi, a college-age loser addicted to porn and aspiring to write seedy adult comics, runs into trouble shortly after re-establishing a crush on his childhood girlfriend. Journeying from to heaven, back, and everywhere inbetween, the film quickly turns into a psychedelic extravaganza, filled with violence, sex, love, redemption, and the infinite possibilities of the human mind. Utilizing some of the most imaginative animation ever created, Director Masaaki Yuasa's abilities shine in experimental animation techniques, filling the screen with virtuoso wackiness, odd camera angles and perspectives, with mixes of rough lines and storyboards, then inserting photographic touches.

As of now, the film is unavailable as a Region 1 (NTSC) disc.

Mind Game (Translated)

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