Thursday, September 01, 2011

TV: Augenblick Studios - [2007-Present] Superjail! [2D Animated Series]

Superjail!, a US television series first created and initially produced by Augenblick Studios, is one of those rare shows that not only harks back to traditional animation but continues to push the envelope of the classic techniques. Extremely fluid motion, frantic artistic styles, bright psychedelic color schemes, stream-of-consciousness plot/setting shifts, and layers upon layers of (often times outlandish and gratuitous) cartoon violence fill each shot to ADHD-inducing amount places less stress on the dialog and more emphasis on the animation.

Each episode presents the eccentric Warden's endless struggle of overseeing the most colossal prison complex in the universe. Aided by his neurotic assistant Jared, a hermaphroditic guard named Alice, and the effervescent killer robot Jailbot, the Warden out-wits, out-invents, and out-murders bizarre (sometimes reoccuring and often times bestial) inmates using unorthodox methods all the while attempting to "perfect the art of incarceration".


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