Tuesday, October 04, 2011

GAME: Jason Rohrer - [2007] Passage [2D 8-Bit Short Art Game]

Rohrer excells in selecting massive concepts and distilling them down into a simple idea; his art game Passage is no different. Using a minimal 100x12 pixel playing area, Rohrer's "memento mori" piece is able to encapsulate life, love, age, and death all within a 5 minute time window.

Jason Rohrer is an independent game designer, software developer, writer, and musician. Reliant on open source software, the majority of Rohrer's works been released under GNU General Public License or public domain. On occasion, Rohrer does port his games for commercial iPhone and Nintendo DS releases. Rohrer is a practitioner of simple living, utilizing donations and sales to support himself and his family on a yearly income of less than $14,500 per year.

Download HERE:

Creative Statement [NOTE: CONTAINS SPOILERS]

Jason Rohrer

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